Wreck of the Steamboat Martha Ogden


Watercolor sketch of the steamboat Martha Ogden at Sackets Harbor as it appeared in 1827 by Captain James Van Cleve

 Captain William Vaughan of Sackets Harbor, was skipper of the Martha Ogden the day she was wrecked. He was a sailing master with the U.S. Navy during the War of 1812. 

Wreck of the Steamboat Martha Ogden in 1832

By Richard F. Palmer

In the 19th century, Mexico Bay was known as the graveyard of ships on Lake Ontario. Prevailing winds from the west and northwest frequently sent scores of schooners and steamboats off course onto

sandbars or rocks, victims of unmerciful wind and high waves.

Stony Point passage near the north end of the bay was particularly treacherous. Finally in 1837, a light was established on the southwest tip of the point. The present, privately-owned lighthouse was built in 1869. But prior to lighthouses and the U.S. Lifesaving Service, seamen were “on their own,” except for a few merciful lakeshore residents willing to lend a hand.

One such ill-fated ship was the steamboat Martha Ogden, owned and home-ported at nearby Sackets Harbor. She and her sister ship, the Ontario (first steamboat on Lake Ontario) comprised the fleet of

the Lake Ontario Steamboat Co., incorporated January 28, 1831. Directors were Joseph and Samuel Dennison, Edward Bronson, Gerrit Smith, Elias Trowbridge, (original master of the ship), Theophilus S. Morgan, Richard L. DeZeng, Frederick Bushnell, Elisha Camp, Jacob Arnold, William Baron, John C. Bush and Thomas L. Ogden.

Built by Albert Crane of Sackets Harbor and named for the wife of Ogden,  of New York, the steamer Ogden measured 104' x 23' x 9' and registered at 150 tons. Her machinery, from the Allaire Works of New York City, included a square-crosshead, low-pressure engine to power 20-foot paddle wheels. She was rigged with two masts and three fore and aft sails. Captain Daniel Reed was in command on her

first voyage, April 1, 1825. She had more “shear” than the Ontario, but otherwise was rigged the same . Its first voyage was on April 1, 1825. Usually during the season it made three round trips a week between Lewiston and Ogdensburg with stops at Rochester, Oswego, Sackets Harbor, Kingston, Brockville and Prescott. 

During the winter of 1827-28 her engine was transferred to the steamboat Ontario at Hanford’s Landing on the Genesee River near Rochester, and replaced by a high-pressure engine. The change did not prove a success. One foggy night in 1830, shortly after Capt. James VanCleve took command, the Martha Ogden ran aground on Snake Island Shoal in the channel near Kingston. She was got off with no damage.(1)

A story is told that in the early 1830s, Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon Church, boarded the Martha Ogden at Genesee River with a box of “Mormon Bibles” (recently-published Book of Mormon), which he intended to circulate in the Kingston area. On the same voyage was Charles Stuart Dickson, a young English gentleman, who claimed to be an illegitimate son of King George IV. Dickson’s had a striking resemblance to the monarch which gave credence to his claim. Dickson and Capt. VanCleve concluded to have a little fun with Mr. Smith  by telling him it was a criminal offense in Canada to sell his “Bibles.”

Should he do so, he would surely get into serious trouble, and perhaps wind up in jail. They carried the point so far, poor Smith was glad to take his box of “Bibles” and return to Rochester. VanCleve recalled,

“After doing the fair thing in the way of good cheer, he left for those parts where too many have been deluded by his pretended revelations.”

                                                   Early Days Recalled

For several years she led an uneventful life, plying between Lake Ontario ports with her human cargo, being one of several steamers owned by the Dennisons of Sackets Harbor. One old-timer recalled, “she was a beauty in her day and quite speedy too.” He reminisced to a reporter:

“Speaking of the Ogden reminds me how her engineer, John Pheatt, an Oswego boy, was reinstated after he had been discharged.

One day on the arrival of the steamer, Sam Dennison sent word to John Pheatt he wanted to see him in the office. Pheatt had an inkling that his head was going to go into the basket, as an Albany engineer

was hanging around, waiting, macabre like, for something to turn up. He was at work repacking his cylinders when the messenger arrived, but like a good engineer he put his engine together before leaving, first quietly slipping a heavy oak stick into the cylinders.

“When Pheatt confronted Dennison he was informed that the Albany engineer had been hired in his place. Pheatt went home and the new engineer went aboard. Fires were started in the furnaces,

steam was produced, and just before departing the engineer thought he would work the engine to familiarize himself with it. 

“Opening the throttle gradually, the steam rushed into the cylinder, the piston moved an inch or two, stopped, and although the full head of steam was turned on, refused to go to the center. The new engineer  examined all the bearings and joints, but could discover nothing wrong. Finally in despair informed the captain that the engine would not work…”although the new man did all in his power, the wheels would not revolve. The boat was loaded, he owner stormed about the wharf at the delay [but] the engine would not obey.

“ Along toward morning, Dennison, completely discomfited, sent for Pheatt  told him to go

aboard ... and resume his position with an increase of salary.

“Pheatt went aboard, ordered the fireman to draw the fire, sent him ashore to find a blacksmith, (there were no machinists here in those days) and while he was gone quietly took off the cylinder heads,

removed the oak sticks, replaced the heads. When the fireman returned, the boat was ready. As the boat swung around in the river Pheatt stood at the gangway, smiled on Dennison, and in an audible

voice, remarked: ‘Discharge me, will you?’” (2)

The Martha Ogden, en route from Oswego to Sackets Harbor on November 12, 1832, was hit by a northwest gale and sprang a leak. When the pump failed, the crew began bailing with buckets. This

proved fruitless; soon the water flooded the furnaces and put out the fires. Captain William Vaughn endeavored to make sail, but she lost her course, ran on the rocks and went to pieces near Stony Point,

about 14 miles from Sackets Harbor. Her remains were seen for years at Nuttings Bay.

Three women and eight children passengers stood on deck in the open air from 11 P.M. until 9 A.M. the next morning when they were taken ashore by means of a basket and Dutch harness (rigged upon a

line leading from the wreck to the shore). Everyone was saved - not always the case in such incidents. The passengers were grateful for the skill and courage of captain and crew. (3)

Following is Captain Vaughn’s account of the wreck from the December 5, 1832, Oswego Palladium. 

Letter dated Henderson, Mexico Bay, November 15, 1832

Samuel Dennison, Esq.

Sir — I left Oswego in the Martha Ogden on the 12th about half past 1 P.M., with every prospect of a pleasant and short passage to Sackets Harbour. Shortly after leaving the weather appeared threatening, and a heavy sea began. It being impossible to go back  - the wind veered to the west and a very heavy sea on, I was obliged to do the best I could.

I shaped course North, N. by E. and N. by W. as the sea would allow me. The sea was breaking so much over me, rendering my Engine perfectly useless. No fire could be kept in the furnaces. I made all sail on her that would stand,  but was compelled to take in the fore sail. Before this, I found the pumps choked, and all hands, including passengers, commenced bailing, but could not keep her free. The wheel-rope parted about half past 6 P.M. and she drifted considerably to the leeward. I made the Galloo light about seven, bearing North, expecting to make the passage between Stony Island and Stony Point - wind hauling northward and west with a tremendous sea that swept the main deck fore and aft, and carried away the promenade deck and ladies cabin.. On finding I could not clear Stony Point, and believing that the boat would founder if kept on the lake and that all on board would perish, I ran into 81-82 fathoms of water and let go both anchors about 9 o'clock.

She rode about an hour and a half - all hands bailing - when both chains parted.  I ordered the jib loosed, to clear the point under our lee, veered her round, got the fore sail on her and cleared the point, taking in about 10 hogs heads of water. She then became perfectly unmanageable; I gave orders that the  passengers should be called on deck. She continued to drift until she struck the rocks in the second bay South of Stony Point. After she struck, the sea made a fair breach over her, which was about 11 P.M.

Shortly after she struck, she filled, and the screams of the women and children made the scene truly distressing. My passengers, however, rendered all the assistance in their power, and to their exertions, with my own and crew, and the help of a Divine Providence, we were all saved.

One of the passengers, Mr. William Miller, of Canada, succeeded in getting on shore at the greatest hazard of his life, and informed the inhabitants of our distress. They soon collected on shore. With their

assistance, we got a rope from the boat to a tree on shore, and by that means landed the passengers and crew - first the children in a basket, the others in a sling.

If the harbours of Salmon River and Sandy Creek, under our lee in Mexico Bay had been agreeable to an act of our last Congress vetoed by the President, we should undoubtedly have escaped this misfortune, and saved you the heavy loss you must sustain by the disaster. 

I cannot say too much in favor of the inhabitants. They have rendered assistance and comfort for which I feel truly grateful.



Being on board the steamboat Martha Ogden, as passengers, when the misfortune as described above happened, and being considerable losers by it, we hereby certify that the above account of the dis-

aster is strictly true in our belief, and that no blame whatever can be attached to Capt. Vaughan.


We understand, that in the above wreck, our fellow citizen, Captain George Archer, was a loser to the amount of some hundreds, which, added to his numerous other misfortunes, is very severely felt. We hope it will be made up to him. - Oswego Free Press, November 15, 1832


1.Certificate of enrollment:  Martha Ogden, Sackets Harbor, 1823, 74’3” x 17’ 10” x 4’2”7” 48 tons. Bust figurehead, square stern. Original owners: Hunter Crane, merchant, Sackets Harbor; William Lang, New York City, owners, Daniel Reed, (later William Vaughn master. Enrolled Sackets Harbor, 9 Aug. 1823; 30 May 1826. Elisha Ely; 13 Sept. 1829, Samuel Denison, owner, John McNair, master enrollment changed to Oswego, 30 May 1830, James VanCleve, master.  Letter in Relation to Steam Engines in the U.S. December 13, 1838. U.S. Treasury Department Document 21, 25th Congress, 3rd Session; Hough, Franklin B., History of Jefferson County, New York, Albany, N.Y., 1854, P. 564; also VanCleve, James, Reminiscences of Early Sailing Vessels and Steamboats on Lake Ontario, 1878. (unpublished manuscript, Oswego City Hall. There are several known copies of this manuscript; including two in Buffalo, one in Detroit and one in Chicago. All vary somewhat). The vessel was not insured and was a total loss.

2. Oswego Palladium, March 25, 1876.

3.Oswego Palladium, Nov. 14, 1832.


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