Wreck of the Propeller Wisconsin

The public are deeply interested in the circumstances connected with the burning of the Propeller Wisconsin, and the fate of her passengers and her crew.
- Oswego Advertiser and Times,  May 24, 1867

             Sketch of the steamer Wisconsin based on an old faded print.

The Burning of the Steam Propeller Wisconsin
By Richard Palmer
Carved on one of the most impressive monuments in the abandoned Market Street Cemetery in the village Cape Vincent, New York are the names of a mother and four children who drowned
in one of the worst steamboat disasters to ever occur on eastern Lake Ontario — the loss of the Northern Transportation propeller Wisconsin on the night of May 21, 1867.
The monument reflects  the names of four members of the Chisholm family of Chateauguay, Quebec, Canada. The only member of the family to survive the catastrophe was the father, Robert; he died June 12, 1883, at age 70 and is buried in Cape Vincent. Also buried there are Catharine, his wife, age 42; Elizabeth, 20; Mary Ann, 17; Catharine, 15; and  Quebec,Thomas, 11.
 Some 20 people lost their lives that night mostly by drowning during the panic to get off the boat after it had been run aground on nearby Grenadier Island. Other passengers buried in the same cemetery included Mrs. Nancy Creed and Miss Catherine Creed of Potsdam; a man and his wife by the name of Gallagher of Pembroke, Canada East; Ira Cook of Aurora, IIl.; and Henry Chatman, a deck hand, of Ogdensburg.
The Wisconsin left the dock at Cape Vincent at 11 p.m. on her third trip of the season, en route from Ogdensburg to Chicago with 70 passengers and 22 crewmen. Since the vessel called regularly at Oswego,
the residents of that city anxiously awaited details of the disaster.
Since there was such a heavy loss of life it made the front page of the New York Times on May 23, 1867. At first, facts were very sketchy, although it was generally known the ship was run ashore on
Grenadier Island, about seven miles above Cape Vincent, after it was discovered it was afire.
The Oswego Advertiser  & Times sent a reporter to the scene. His account appeared in the paper on May 27, 1867:
“We have just returned from a visit to the wreck of the Wisconsin. As we passed over the waters where that unfortunate vessel, in that dark and gloomy night, was discovered to be on fire, and where twenty
or more human beings rushed madly to a watery grave, we could have no patience with the folly, that worse than folly — that criminal fright and lack of self-control in danger, which sent these unfortunate men and women to their awful end.
“Those who have not witnessed the wild, uncontrollable conduct of panic-stricken men can have no idea of their utter recklessness. They will not reason — they will not listen to reason, and can only be controlled by brute force. It is useless to tell them that their safety depends upon their coolness, that their danger is fancied. In the case of the Wisconsin there was no danger, and every life lost on that melancholy occasion, was owing to the blind fright of men who would not stop to see whether the danger was real or fancied, and would not be controlled by men cool enough to comprehend the extent of the danger, and take such means as were necessary to avert it.
“As the Wisconsin left the St. Lawrence and rounded out into Lake Ontario, word was brought to Capt. Townsend that the vessel was on fire around the boiler. The vessel was running at the rate of about
nine miles an hour. He seems not to have hesitated for a moment. Being within a mile and a half of Grenadier Island, he at once headed the vessel for the shore, giving instant order to the engineers to throw open the throttle and give the engine the full power of steam. This increased her speed to at least ten miles per hour. His plan was that if the fire could not be gotten under control, the vessel would soon reach the shore and the passengers all landed. If it should be subdued, the course could be resumed. In the meantime, the force pumps with two hundred feet of hose, all in good working condition, were got into operation, but it was soon discovered that the fire could not be subdued.
“The passengers were then awakened and told to keep perfectly cool, that there was no danger, everyone would be landed with safety. The scene which followed is said to be indescribable. The Captain had
ordered the boats, which were stowed upon the hurricane deck, to be lowered near the water, not into it, there to remain until it should be necessary to fill them.
“Until he should give the word, he ordered that no one should enter the boats. Had this order been obeyed, all would have been well. Instead of which, in the wildest fury, the boats were filled, women,
children and strong men, perfectly wild to take refuge in them. The small boat was thus instantly taken possession of, and a shout sent up for an ax to cut the ‘fall,’ but as no ax was forthcoming, the same
mad office was performed by a jack knife, the bow fall line being cut, which dropped the bow of the boat at once into the water.
“The steamer being at full speed, and the stern fall still being fast, the boat was plunged head foremost into the water, and every one of the mad occupants were swept away into the bosom of the lake and left
there to perish. It was the universal testimony of all on board, that those who were lost, were lost by crowding into the boats, against the express commands of Captain Townsend.
“In fifteen to twenty minutes from the time the alarm was given, the Wisconsin was beached upon Grenadier Island, the bow resting in about four feet of water. A line was instantly taken ashore, and the
surviving passengers and crew who had been gathered into the bow of the vessel where the fire had not reached, were lifted over the side into the water, and got safely ashore.
“Captain Watson Snarls of Detroit, a passenger on board, who was the last to leave the burning vessel, testified before the coroner’s jury, that there was ample time to have lifted over and saved at least from
twenty to thirty more passengers, after the last one was safe on shore, before the fire drove him from the wreck, thus showing beyond a doubt that had all the passengers exercised a little reason not a life would
have been lost.
“We were kindly permitted to examine a copy of the testimony before the coroner’s jury, and among a dozen or more witnesses made up of the survivors, there was no discrepancy on this point. They all
agree that the lost were lost by entering the boats against the express orders and expostulation of Captain Townsend, and that had they remained aboard, there is no reason why every passenger might not
have been saved.
“Captain Townsend, throughout, seems to have acted with the greatest presence of mind, coolness and efficiency. It has been said that he should have enforced his orders against the passengers who
attempted to enter the boats, by shooting or knocking them down, or otherwise. He would have been justified in doing so. But it must be remembered that the night was very dark.
“There were three boats lowered on different sides at different points of the steamer, and he could not be omnipresent. Besides, he had the course of the steamer to look to, the force pumps to keep in operation, and the various other trying matters upon his hands incident to such an occasion. The wonder is that he accomplished so much. His first mate disappeared with the first boat. He either entered the boat
voluntarily or was forced into it by the crowd. He was seen by no person on board after the catastrophe, [he] must have gone down with the rest. The death of his first officer was of course a severe loss to the
“The two engineers of the steamer also disappeared at the same time and probably in the same manner. The second mate, Mr. James W. Shaver, quite a young man, proved himself well worthy of his position. He was self-possessed and efficient throughout, rendering the Captain the most important aid in saving the lives of passengers. We are happy to learn that he has already been appointed second mate on
another of the company’s steamers. The same characteristics were also true for Mr. C.H. Dodge, the steward. The passengers speak in the highest terms of his self-possession, and the aid he rendered them.
“Capt. Searls, on his way to Detroit to take command of his vessel, was a passenger on board, and was very efficient in assisting to keep order, and in saving the lives of passengers. Among the surviving
passengers, the testimony is unanimous in relation to the coolness and efficiency of Capt. Searls, as well as to the other gentlemen referred to.
“Grenadier Island is a small island near where the lake contracts into the St. Lawrence River, and is composed of about one thousand acres of land. (In American waters just south of Tibbett’s Point). But
few farm houses are upon it, and the nearest to the point where the burning steamer landed was distant about one half mile. The men, women, and children had been hurried from their berths and most of
them had been too much frightened to think of dressing. The result was they went into the water with but little else than their night clothing, and arrived at this small farm house in nearly perishing
“It was occupied by Mr. John Nugent, who, with his wife, deserve special mention for their good Samaritan conduct. No means were found to take away the passengers until nearly noon of the next day,
and a portion, owing to exhaustion and sickness which followed, remained until Saturday.
“From the beginning the Nugents were unremitting in their exertions for the comfort of the strangers. They exhausted their stores in feeding them, and gave them nearly every article of clothing the house
contained, stripping themselves of dresses, drawers, shoes, stockings, etc., and all without expectation of compensation or reward, as all so furnished were necessarily worn away. That lonely family, away there
in their island home, must ever be remembered with gratitude by the surviving passengers of the Wisconsin, for whom they did so much.
“The survivors were taken by the steamer Watertown to the village of Cape Vincent, a distance of about seven miles, where all their wants were cared for in the most hospitable manner. They were taken in
charge of by G.T. Bartlett, Esq., Supervisor of the Town, whose exertions for their comfort were unremitting. Nothing was left undone by the people of Cape Vincent for the comfort of those thrown upon their hands.
“Valuable dresses and clothing were bestowed upon them in profusion, all the people vying with each other in their kind attentions. Too much cannot be said in their praise. The drowned, so far as the
remains have been recovered, have been in the charge of Supervisor Bartlett. When ordered, the remains have been forwarded to friends, and in the absence of orders have been decently interred with properly
marked graves, and a record duly preserved so that they may be identified hereafter. An inquest was held upon the bodies recovered on Friday, by Robert H. Angell, Esq., of Clayton, Coroner of Jefferson
County. After the necessary investigations the following was the unanimous verdict of the jury:
That the aforesaid persons came to their deaths by drowning in Lake Ontario, near Grenadier Island on the night of 21st May, 1867, by jumping from and leaving the propeller Wisconsin while on fire, which fire originated in the hold of said vessel near the boiler. That if the orders and directions of Captain Townsend the commander of said propeller had been obeyed, it is the opinion of the jurors aforesaid, that all the lives of said passengers and crew would have been saved.

George Ashworth, Lawrence, Mass. Edward Cassay, Colton, St. Lawrence Co.
Ezra Cooke, Westmeath C.W. Mrs. Dunn and girl, Brockville.
Alvin Joiner, Forrestville, Mich. Mrs. Talman and son, Oswego.
Jas. R. Dean, Lawrence. Thomas Frasier, Prescott.
C.W. Joiner, Roxalville, Vt. L. Cutnier, Wife, and six children, Prescott.
Robert Chisholm, Chateauguay Co. C.E. William Cousain, Granville, C.E.
Wm. Chisholm, do Jno. McNeil, do do
Jno. Chisholm, do Rev. J. M. Armour, wife and four children,
John Criscaden, Centerville, N.Y. Graftburgh, Vt.
Ira Creed, Potsdam, N.Y. Alvin Richards, Manchester, N.H.
D.C. Forrest, Carthage, N.Y. W. J. Read, do do
M. Carroll, Kingston, C.W. Mrs. Mary Richards, do do
Samuel Beattie, Kingston, C.W. Mrs. Alvin Reed, do do
Jno. Delaborough, Smithfield, C.W. Mrs.C.W. Cough, do do
P. H. Perry, Rousville, C.E. Mr. Geo. Richards, do do
D. Fisher, do do C.W. Reed, do do
Mrs. Spaulix and two children, Alexandria Emma Richards, do do
S.G. Hellier, Odessa, C.W. Mrs. Galligher, Pembroke, C.E.
Samuel Fullerton, North Gore. Mrs. Dings, Oswego
Lucinda Fetterlee, Finch, C.W. R.H. Hillier, Odessa, Canada.
Wilson Searles, Detroit.
Capt. Townsend.
Jas. W. Shaver, Second Mate.
Charles W. Shaver, Wheelsman.
J. D. Shaver, do
CH. Dodge, Steward.
Warren Tracy, Cabin Boy.
Edward Masterton, Porter.
Joseph Strong, Fireman,
Pat Johnston, do
Robert Holmes, Deck Hand
Jos. Raycraft,           do
Pat Ferry,                 do
David Conlin,         do

Thomas Enwright, Second Cook.
Mary Miceklehanny, Cabin Maid.
Jane Mayette, Cook.
John Powers, First Mate, Ogdensburg, not found.
AF. Morrison, First Engineer, Clayton, not found.
Edw. McCormick, Watchman, Clayton, not found.
Devid Horan, Deck Hand, Prescott, not found.
Henry Chatman, Deck Hand, Ogdensburg, buried at Cape Vincent.
                             Passengers Lost as far as Known
Mrs. C. Chisholm, Eliza, Mary Ann, Catherine, and Master Thos. Chisholm — buried at Cape
Vincent by directions of Mr. Chisholm.
Mrs. Nancy Creed, Miss Catherine Creed, Potsdam, buried at Cape Vincent by order of Mr. Creed.
Prederick Creed, Potsdam, not found.
Mr. Galligher, Pembrooke, C.E., buried at Cape Vincent by wife.
Henry McAlpine, Edwardsburgh, C.W., sent to Ogdensburg.
James Cassey, Colton, St. Lawrence Co., taken to Colton.
Geo. Lindsley, Colton, St. Lawrence Co., taken to Colton.
A. White, Keesville, sent by express.
Ira Cook, Ticketed Aurora, Ill., buried at Cape Vincent.

    Chisholm family monument, Market Street Cemetery, Cape Vincent
            (Dennis McCarthy photo)

“The Wisconsin was furnished with two large wooden boats, and one metallic life boat, sufficient in all to have saved every passenger, had they been needed. It was furnished with a large number of life
preservers, greater than the number of passengers on board, which were distributed through the various staterooms, which would have saved every passenger who rushed into the boats, had they had the
presence of mind to use them.
“Upon the hurricane deck were stored a large number of ‘life’ floats, sufficient to float a hundred or more persons, had they been necessary. The pumps, and all other apparatus prescribed by law, were in good
working order. How the fire originated will never be known. It was one of those mysterious providences which will sometimes occur, notwithstanding the exercise of the greatest degree of human
“No men could be more unremitting in attention to the unfortunate than have been the agents and representatives of the line. Capt. Townsend has remained on the spot, all that was in the power of man to do. Capt. Keating, the efficient superintendent of the line, was at once dispatched to the scene of the disaster, and has taken a general direction of affairs, omitting nothing which could conduce to the com-
fort or convenience of the sufferers. Messrs. Hall & Buckley, the Agents at Cape Vincent, have been unremitting in their exertions. To all of these gentlemen, to Mr. Supervisor Bartlett, M.E. Lee, Esq. and various other gentlemen, we desire to tender our acknowledgements for the attentions shown us on our hasty visit to Cape Vincent.
“We were informed by an intelligent lady, a passenger, that the steerage passengers of the Wisconsin were mostly Irish and that the scene presented after the alarm was given, was beyond description.
Men and women alike were frantic with fright and utterly uncontrollable. At one time they would be upon their knees, crossing themselves, wailing and lamenting, at another, tieing their children with ropes
and wildly letting them over the sides of the steamer into the water. This scene of confusion continued long after the vessel was upon the beach and all danger had passed.
                            A Heroine Boy and a Brave Woman
“Among the passengers was Mr. Alvin Richards of Goffstown, New Hampshire, and family, consisting of his wife, Mary E. Richards, a son aged six years, and an infant daughter aged ten weeks. They were
accompanied by Mr. Richards’ mother an aged lady, sister, husband and child. Mrs. Richards refused to leave the boat until she had seen all her friends safely off. Her husband went ashore with the little boy and they succeeded in getting safely to land, leaving the mother and baby upon the burning craft. In the darkness and confusion, the husband lost sight of her. She was approached by the cabin boy, Warren Tracy, of Ogdensburg, who throughout had been perfectly cool, and who begged the privilege of jumping overboard with the infant, assuring her that he would swim ashore with it in safety.
“Something in his manner inspired her with confidence, and she consigned it to his keeping. The young man instantly leaped overboard with his precious burthen and struck out for the shore. But before he got clear of the vessel someone from the wreck leaped into the water striking him upon the head stunning and confusing him temporarily, but not once did the brave fellow think of surrendering his charge. Rising to the surface he struck out into the lake, taking a circuitous route to avoid the frantic passengers in the water surrounding the wreck, he brought the infant safely to the land and restored it to the friends of the mother, who recognized it by its night wrapper.
“Its mother at this time was supposed to be among the lost. Having committed her child to the care of young Tracy, Mrs. Richards let herself into the water and was taken to the shore, the last to leave the
ill-fated Wisconsin, except one. Her feelings, upon finding her babe, saved and living, upon the shore, can better be imagined than described. Young Tracy is much petted and praised for his heroic con-
ect, but he takes the matter very modestly.
                                                A Sad Case
“Mr. Robert Chisholm, of Canada, lost five members of his family. When the boat was ordered lowered by the Captain, in defiance of his order, Mr. Chisholm crowded his whole family but one into the first,
and failed to get in himself. All that were thus crowded into the boat found a watery grave.
“It was learned that after the alarm was given, the captain, who was on watch, gathered the passengers forward. He endeavored to keep them there, but they broke away and forced the launching of the
lifeboat while the steamer was yet in motion. When the Wisconsin grounded on Grenadier Island the hurricane deck was clear, the fire confined below. She struck with her bow in four feet of water, the stern
in about nine feet.
“Some of those who jumped overboard were mangled by the propeller. Following the catastrophe, the 14 bodies immediately found were brought to Cape Vincent aboard the steamboat Watertown (some
say the Pierrepont). Others later washed ashore and were brought to Cape Vincent. A temporary morgue was set up in the freight house of the Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg Railroad and the inquest was
held in the hotel portion of the passenger depot.”
Charles W. Nims of Chaumont vividly recalled the event. He said steamboats such as the Wisconsin burned four-foot cordwood in those days instead of coal, which made the vessels more susceptible to fire. It was the report at the time that there was a fire in the hold, in a mild form, when the boat docked at the Cape that evening, but of such mild nature that the captain and crew as well, thought it could be subdued without much effort, and cast off, shortly after 10 p.m. She had not gone but a few miles up the lake when they found the fire beyond control and a place for landing was the next question for consideration.”
Other accounts state the fire wasn’t discovered until the boat had passed Tibbett’s Point Lighthouse, and the crew’s efforts to extinguish it were futile. During the day, Mr. Nugent had been burning some old
tree stumps on Grenadier Island. They were still burning brightly that night and acted as a beacon for Captain Townsend. The Wisconsin was built in Ohio City (now Cleveland) at the shipyard of Stephens &
Presley. She was launched on March 27, 1852. Her dimensions were 137'6” x 24'10” x 11’ and registered at 352 tons. It was a typical double-decked passenger steamer running between Chicago and Ogdensburg.
As a postscript, the body of the engineer, Andrew F. Morrison, was recovered six weeks later. The Northern Transportation Company bore the expenses of those who lost their lives as well as the survivors.
All that remained of the Wisconsin was the bottom of the hull and a mass of burned and warped iron. The stem was within 30 feet of the shore in four feet of water, and the stern in eight feet. It was burned completely to the water’s edge.  It was insured for $15,000 to three-fourths its value. After being lightened, the hull of the Wisconsin was raised in June, 1867 and towed to Ogdensburg by the steamer Pierrepont, accompanied by two barges. There the burned hull was put into the dry dock where the engines and other serviceable equipment were removed. 
Fourteen suits were brought against the Northern Transportation to recover damages from the loss of life and property. Robert Chisholm was awarded $7,800. His wife and four children died. Passenger Artemas White of Keesville settled for $1,400. His son, Artemas White Jr., was drowned. 


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