Schooner Reuben Doud
Schooner Reuben Dud, inbound at Toronto's Eastern Gap. Rochester Democrat & Chronicle Saturday, November 28, 1953 Henry W. Clune’s Seen and Be Heard MAILBAG During the recent severe blown on Lake Ontario tons of coal were washed up on the lake beaches on both sides of the Genesee River mouth, a fact that has aroused speculations as to the source of this free supply of fuel, available to anyone with the enterprise to lug it away. As expressed in a report in this newspaper last week, there was some feeling that coal veins has been exposed on the lake bottom. This was discredited by the discovery in the shore line deposits of a considerable quantity of coke, a commercial product. A plausible explanation of the lake “mined” coal is given in the following letter from a man who has lived close to the lake and observed its variable phenomena...