
Showing posts from March, 2024

Explosion of Tugboat "George S. Dodge"

Image of the tug “George S. Dodge”  by famous marine artist James G. Tyler.Built in   Philadelphia 1864 US #10546 blew up in Oswego harbor, September 28, 1870. Owned by Thomas Dobbie and Frost Brothers.  67’5”’x18’ x 6’ 37 gross tons. Enrolled in Oswego May 23, 1870.  (Oswego County Historical Society John S. Parsons Marine Collection) Oswego Advertiser and Times Wednesday, September 18, 1870 TERRIFIC EXPLOSION Destruction of the Steam Tug Dodge - Heavy and Wide-spread Damage - Remarkable Escape of Crew from Injury - The City Treated to a Mild Earthquake Experience                             ___    About ten minutes past 4 o’clock this morning the whole city was aroused by a most terrific report and concussion that shook buildings to their foundations and rattled windows and crockery ware like a veritable shock of an earthquake. Indeed such was the overwhelming force of the concussion, that many people were fully impressed with the belief some natural conclusion had occurred, - eithe