'Fitting Out' Great Lakes Schooners
Fitting Out in the Days of Sail By Richard F. Palmer The Harbor — The work of fitting out vessels preparatory to the opening of spring business has commenced in our harbor, and the sound of the caulking hammer, and the cheery voices of the sailors will be heard again. The work of refitting vessels is fairly begun, yesterday and today being the busiest of the season. Quite a number of vessels are taking on their canvas, and soon our noble blue Ontario will be flecked with snowing sails - We’re glad of it. - Oswego Palladium, April 8, 1864 The harbor presents a gala appearance today, a large fleet of grain and lumber vessels being in port. Such a forest of spars has not been seen on the river since the good old days of yore, when Oswego rivaled the grain receiving ports of the lower lakes. Oswego Daily Palladium, May 18, 1874 Oswego residents could sense the navigation season rapidly approaching when sailors left their winter quarters at the lo...