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Saga of the Schooner St. Peter

  Toronto Telegram, October 4, 1947 Schooner Days DCCXV  (815 ST. PETER WALKS The WAVES By C. H. J. SNIDER      “When Peter teas come down ^ out of the ship he walked on the water to go to Jesus, but when he saw the wind boisterous he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, ‘Lord, save me!' And immediately Jesus stretched forth His hand . . . and when they * were come into the ship, the wind ceased ”           —Matthew XIV. 22-33.  THE 26th day of October, 1898, found the St. Peter of Toledo laden with coal at the Oswego trestle, with her long fly struck for the tug to tow her out. Capt. Wm. “Hunky” Scott puffed up alongside in the harbor tug John Navagh. It was a mild October I morning, with warm sun, and a gentle breeze from the eastward.     “Ready to go, captain?” he inquired of Capt. John Griffin, the St. Peter’s master.     “Sure,” said the latter. “Will you pull up our sails for us, Hunky, and get us out in the lake? I’ve had trouble enough with my cro